
Problems with digestion? Here's how you can do your bowels good

When digestion is not working properly, you often feel bad as a whole. Flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation: the intestines can show in many different ways that they are not doing well. If the symptoms persist or are severe, you should of course see a doctor. But you can also do a lot yourself to support your intestines and solve digestive problems.

Probiotics for a healthy intestine

Your gut is home to countless healthy bacteria and other microorganisms that together make up the gut microbiome. You may know it by the term gut flora. These many little helpers are crucial for good intestinal function and also for your immune system. If the microbiome gets out of balance, it can manifest itself in digestive problems. One possible solution is probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms. They include, for example, acidified products such as sauerkraut or yogurt. Prebiotics are foods that provide nourishment for healthy bacteria to help them thrive.

Nutrients for a healthy gut

A wide variety of nutrients also help to improve intestinal problems. We recommend SILICIUM PLUS or SILICIUM PRIME from our range. Both products are capsules that contain calcium and magnesium in addition to silicon, the "building block of life". SILICIUM PRIME also contains vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. With these capsules you provide your microbiome with valuable nutrients. Do you already know our SILICIUM SUBTILIS? In addition to silicon, it also contains Bacillus Subtilis, which provides the intestinal bacteria with nourishment.

Dietary fiber for a healthy intestine

Of course, a healthy diet also plays an important role in intestinal function. Dietary fiber is particularly important. These vegetable swelling agents are not digested, but they are still very important for the body. On the one hand, they keep you full for a long time, and on the other hand, they stimulate intestinal activity. Today, a distinction is made between two types of dietary fiber: Insoluble dietary fibers are mainly found in whole grain products, legumes and mushrooms. They can loosen stools and support the cleansing of the intestinal walls. Soluble fiber nourishes the microorganisms in the intestinal flora. They thus belong to the group of prebiotics. Soluble fiber is found primarily in fruits and vegetables.

As you can see, a balanced, varied diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains benefits your gut in several ways. It is also important to drink enough. By drinking at least two liters of water or unsweetened tea, you support your intestines and ultimately your entire organism.

Exercise for a healthy intestine

Sports and an active daily routine also contribute to healthy digestion. Especially people with bloating or constipation can often solve these problems with a more active lifestyle. Exercise stimulates the intestines and thus speeds up digestion. People who sit a lot and move little are much more likely to suffer from constipation. Therefore, build regular exercise into your daily routine!

But be careful: You should not overdo it with sports. Too strenuous or intense exercise can upset your digestion. So take it slowly and pay attention to your current training level!

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